Contact us for a free consultation. Please provide some information of your needs and requirements, and our team will contact you as soon as possible to create the best solution for your company.

Notice: Logging into the Arioliving app is no longer possible. We have shut down the Ario cloud and replaced it and the app with local control of lamp features with the buttons. You can learn how to control your lamp by clicking on the Wiki button below as well as access FAQs on this new mode of operation. Your lamp will still automatically light with the correct color and intensity according to time of day.

If you need support, please try the tools below or select the "Support" option and briefly explain your problem. 

Supporting Tools

You're on your way to enjoying the world's healthiest lighting system! Here is everything you need to know to get started with your Ario. Refer to the Wiki by clicking below or download a pdf of the use instructions here.

Lamp Assembly

Lamp Assembly

Ario User Wiki

Ario User Wiki